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This is the stuff I currently use in my game. (Working on updating this as of September 2022. The last couple of patches have been a bit of a nightmare.)

v important mods >

MC Command Center - I probably don't need to tell you about this one, but a guide might be helpful.

Show Sim Info - Honestly a must-have for me. I'm nosy. Originally by Itasan, now maintained by Frankk after it broke recently. (thank youuuuu)

Bienchen's Mods - So very many that greatly improve my quality of sim-life. Sorted by DLC/theme, always kept up to date. Some favorites (typing the mod name in the search box will bring you to them):

  1. lot traits - sunny aspect tweak- lots with this trait will have sunny weather for at least 24 hours upon loading. also includes a fix for the city festivals - no more rain!
  2. cat and dog sanity- a bunch of fixes for cats & dogs, like less sickness
  3. storm moodlet tweak- fixes the way sims react to thunderstorms. no longer will EVERY ONE of your sims be running around in terror for the entire spring season.
  4. many autonomy mods

LittleMsSam - Many amazing gameplay mods and bug fixes, also constantly updated. Some favorites:

  1. Personal Objects
  2. Retail Overhaul
  3. Random Holiday Traditions
  4. SimDa Dating App

general mods >

Roburky's Meaningful Stories - A much-needed rework of TS4's emotions system.

Scumbumbo's mods - Firstly: Don't Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop (still necessary no matter what EA's patch notes say). Also the XML Injector (which is needed for a lot of great mods), Packing Crates (sadly currently broken), Working Medicine Cabinets, and other random good stuff.

Lumpinou's First Impressions- Sims will gain a sentiment of their "first impression" of each other upon meeting. Sraits and personalities will actually affect how sims will get along as friends, or romantically.

gameplay >

clubs >

Rex's Place - Custom Club Activities - tons of them sorted by expansion pack. Super helpful.

Icemunmun - More Club Activities!

Simvasion's Autonomous Knitting Fix - Fixes autonomous knitting during club gatherings. I love knitting.

MagneticSouth's Better Clubs Mod. Raises the wealth tiers and skill requirements.

retail >

SweetLilja's Retail Shoppers Keep Their Bought Stuff - I was so disappointed to find that in TS4 the stuff you sold to another sim just ceased to exist, so I love this.

build mode >

lot traits >

LittleMsSam - I use Dress Code, Gender and More, and Preferences.

Simularity - I'm using the graveyard, wedding venue, and movie theater lot traits.

build stuff >

Peacemaker - like, a lot of this stuff.

Around the Sims 4's build items for tiny houses

Menaceman44's Simple Toilet Stall Door

buy mode >

Around The Sims 4 - Just a ton of great cc here of course. I use the bar bottles, vending machines, Art Studio stuff, Slob's Life clutter set, and a bunch of other assorted stuff.

Icemunmun's - Functional Chicken Coop.

RVSN - I use a lot of Ravasheen's stuff in my game, like crafting and knitting clutter, DIY modular cubbies, the Ken You Not smaller dollhouses, Halloween deco, Sip Sip Hooray bar cart.. etc, etc

Mathcope's TS1 Vibromatic Bed Remake

SrslySims's Spinning Wheel PC - Yeah, I also love spinning.

Silverhammer's Off-the-Grid Lights


traits >

I've cut down on the number of custom traits I use, as they seem to break easily with patches.

NateTheL0ser's Misery Traits - I really like having negative trait options though, so these stay.

hair >

I stick with Maxis Match hairs. Mostly from:

  1. AHarris00Britney
  2. clumsyalien
  3. ImVikai
  4. LeeLeeSims1
  5. Oakiyo
  6. Sheabuttyr
  7. XLDsims

makeup >

  1. Crypticsim
  2. grimcookies
  3. WeepingSimmer

other >

Tamo's eyeglasses

Luumia's Body Hair

Pralinesims Ultimate Eyebrow Collection

Nesurii's Eyebrow Pack (v maxis match)

XLDsims facial hairs/beards

clothing >

in progress!

mod packs >

PTS Cottage Garden - this and the Rustic Romance set are a bit older (from around 2017) but I still use them a lot!

PTS Rustic Romance- some of my favorite wedding stuff.

Pufferhead Stuff Pack - ngl, I don't care about Harry Potter but this stuff is cute.

tools & programs >

Sims 4 Studio

Kawaii Stacie's CAS Generator

Pleyita's Random Sim Generator

Simsation Nation's Random Build Generator